Saturday, April 7, 2018

August 9, 2016 ~ Week 45 Happy Birthday !!

Hello all of my family and friends! First of all thank you for all of your warm birthday wished! I surely felt the warmth in the frozen north!:) But the highest priority here is not my birthday, it's the Lord's work so that is where our effort goes into! 
This week we had a lady ask us why we do what we do. She said "you're so young and handsome young boys, why are you wasting your time here doing what you're doing? You should be with girls and studying, not talking about Jesus with people." My companion and I humbly tried to testify that there is no better thing that we could be doing than this. Although she didn't believe us, we walked away knowing why we are here and feeling a deep sense of gratitude for our calling here! 
But it's interesting how the Lord works. He blesses you, so you do your best to show your appreciation for him by working harder and trying to bring more people unto Christ, but before you can even make a dent in what you owe to him, you are blessed again, and so you work even harder, and more blessings come. Heavenly Father really is a loving father! He loves to bless his children! As my companion and I have tried to make little improvements everyday we see the Lord blessing us with tremendous blessings. Luckily for us, our blessings can be measured in numbers, but not all blessings come that way, in fact in my experience it comes mostly in changes inside of me or around me, and I notice those as I write in my journal each night. As I write the Lord reveals treasures, even hidden treasures of blessings that would have gone unnoticed if i had  not taken the time to write down the events of the day and looking for blessings from him. Writing in a journal regularly is a great way to notice the blessings of the Lord in our lives as we focus on the things of the spirit, or the uplifting happy things. I don't want to remember 50 years from now someone saying no, but in fact someone saying yes, or being a great example in doing what Christ would do.
And one great example is a member in this branch (I will with hold there name for Finnish security reasons). But this member, we'll call him Ralph, is such a great example to me of the kind of member that ii want to be when I return. For example, we brought him on a lesson, the lesson fell through, so instead of getting mad, or blaming people, he pulled out his phone and started ot call his friends adn asking them if he could come by with us, the missionaries. Although none said that he could, he then took us to less actives house. But it doesn't end there, he has since given us two referrals in two days. I mean wow, what a member! He knows his role and he does his job. 
The blessings of the Lord come in many ways, some obvious (like Ralph) and others not so obvious, like not getting angry(because the Lord softened my heart) when my companion does something that bugs me.
I know this church is true. It just has to be! Jesus is the Christ! 
Have a great week! 
Vanhin Robison

The District

The Beautiful Sea

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