Saturday, April 7, 2018

August 30, 2016 ~ Week 48

Hello! Wow this week was awesome! This week we were blessed by the presence of Elder and Sister Sabin and Elder and Sister Johnson form the area presidency in Europe as they were here for a mission tour! I learned tons under their counsel! I especially felt the love that Heavenly Father has for each of us! They spoke a lot about our True Identity and how knowing that changes everything! They said that those who forget their True Identity fall into trouble later in life. I think that is so true and thought that it would be worth sharing with you all. 

One of the coolest experiences was studying in the chapel before the meeting actually started. As I was studying the topic of Faith and chapter 13 of PMG, I just had this awesome subtle feeling of complete peace and that I am doing the right thing. This mission has blessed me on many fronts! I have come to know more of my Heavenly Father, felt in the smallest degree what it was like for Christ, learned simple truths of the Gospel that I skipped over as a younger youth and have learned how to handle different situations! I love my mission! Just typing this brings great joy to my heart!

Another awesome thing about my mission is the members! The members in Finland are some of the greatest in the world in my mind! They make many sacrifices and love the Lord so much! They also apparently love us haha and they show that through food! Let's just say I haven't had to eat any of the food that I bought last week on P-day because they have given us so much food! Wow it's been awesome!

The weather has also seemed to brighten a bit. It's now sunny or at least it has been for two days now, however last night temperatures hit 0 degrees Celsius or in other words 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  But the work continues in the midst of fall!:)
I love you all and hope that this week is a great to one and all!
Vanhin Robison

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