I believe in miracles! So for sacrament meeting President Garr randomly calls on two missionaries to speak. The catch is after your 5th week here you have give it in your native language, so lucky for us that was this week so we prepared our talks in Finnish. I was pretty calm and awaiting to see who the poor victims were going to be and turns out I was one of them. Awesome.... But if ye are prepared ye shall not fear! So I was prepared and by some miracle I was able to give a talk in Finnish with only 4 weeks of studying the language! Miracles do not cease to happen! But this past week we got new Hungarians in whoop whoop! They have 6 Sisters and 3 Elders! We also got new Armenians, Georgians, Lativains, Malysians and Lithuainians on our floor so we are no longer the only class on our floor! Although only the Hungarians are in our Zone.
One of the Elders in our district got a package full of chips and salsa so we had another fiesta night! I tried to send a picture of it but for some reason it wouldn't load:(
So everynight I sit down and try to see how God has put his hand in my life and there are almost to many times to count! The Lord is everywhere in our lives and I found that if we take time to look and ponder on them and thank him for them our lives become so much happier! So I challenge everyone to think and ponder about the blessings in your life and try to see how God has put his hand into your life. If you wouldn't mind I would like to hear from some of you about how he has touched your life! Doing this has increased my testimony so much! Infact i would like to hear from all of you! So don't be shy and see how God has put His hand into your life!
I know you all are wondering about the language and I won't lie it's a challenge. probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do but because of the Lord and his infinite mercy he has helped me so much! For example, with His help I was able too give a talk in sacrament about the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Baptism and even though people couldn't understand me the spirit was able to testify to them about the truthfulness of the message.We are able to teach lessons in Finnish with no notes,and we are able to see our mock investigators progress and come closer to Christ. I am able to read the Book of Mormon in Finnish and begin to translate some verses into English! What such great and marvelous blessings the Lord has blessed me with! It's been fantastic to see how the spirit can work in ones life and help shape them to become who the Lord wants them to be! I challenge you all to live worthily of the spirit and just see what He can do for you! This church is true! I love you all and can't wait to hear your responses next week through email or preferably through Dear Elder. if you don't know my address ask my mom for it!
From left to right. Elder Bowden (American Fork, UT) Elder Minson (Salem, UT) Elder Reeder (My companion from Riverton, UT) Me, Elder Buhler (American Fork, UT), Elder Vennerholm (Sweden) |
Brother Freestone and me. He is a member of the Branch Presidency at the MTC. |
My District at the Provo Temple |
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