I believe it is week 10 becaue I could not send an email home last week due to traveling. But I have finally made it Finland! Whoop whoop! But first things first there are no apostraphes on the key boards here so thats why it looks kind of funny. Also there is no spell check so please be patient, also this is a no judging zone!:) And the most important rule, Finland has super strict privacy laws so that means I cant share much info about people. Basically the rule is if someone were to read this letter and be able to tell who I was talking about in Finland its to specific so things will be pretty general. But now lets get to the goodies!
They say the temptations are really hard before you leave for your mission but they said nothing about it during your mission! For example my brothers put T. Swift, Glee, and Trans-Siberian Orchestra on my iPod so now I have to fight that constant temptaion for two years. Another example is that on the plane ride from Dallas to London each seat has a tv in it, and on the tv were games and music and also free movies and tv shows. Talk about temptation, putting that right infront of me for 8 constant hours with a nice little remote to hold in my hand. But let it be know I did not cave, I just watched the plane move ever so slowly across the US, the ocean and finally into England, adn then watched it circle England for a while too, but hey the food was good so thats a plus! And then we get to Finland! We land it looks kind of cloudy, no big deal and then we walk out to cars after meeting President Watson and His wife and the APs and it was dark out, like midnight dark. i take a peak at my watch and its only 5pm no big deal. haha! But I only have 7 minutes left and a lof to cover. So I am in Lahti! They call it the Chicago of Finland, but its nothing like Chicago! its super safe and clean! No trash anywhere! And we have 6 awesome investigators, one of which is going to be baptized not this Saturday but the next so the work is moving right a long in Lahti! And who says we dont baptize here!? About half of our investigators only speak English so thats way nice and the other half dont, they speak Finnish so thats cool too! I dont understand a thing people say to me but thats alright my companion understands it and then he gives me back the information in censored form. haha! People here dont look at you, if you try to talk to them they just walk by like they didnt hear you, and they may not actually hear us because some have headphones in but its all good! We have have a few potentials and thats good. weve had some interesting food due to the lack thereof in our apartment but dont worry that problem is fixed today! Well Im out of time and I will write more next week! I love you all! Keep working hard!
New Rad bike. |
Sisters in Lahti and Elders of Hemanlinaa. |
View outside Kyle's first apartment. |
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